The technology of Wellfume air purification devices


WELLFUME Devices are made by ARPACK

with innovative technology from space travel

The ARPACK AirClean technology allows for effective reduction of microbiological air pollution without the disadvantages of traditional technologies associated with the release of ozone, the use of hard UV-С radiation and expensive replaceable HEPA filters.

Our air purifiers do not contain mercury vapor, do not collect organic air pollutants (including all types of microflora) and do not require replacement of the main operating components with continuous operation for up to seven years.


The technology is based on the patented mineralization technology of organic air pollutants on photocatalytic elements made of porous quartz glass under the influence of soft UV-A (365 nm) radiation of the solar spectrum.

Glass beads

200 nm – Glass beads coated with titanium oxide

Working Scheme

The air flows through the dust filter (2) and then through the porous wall of the photocatalytic glass element (3) using a fan (1). Volatile organic compounds, bacteria and viruses in the air are absorbed by the photocatalytic filter and mineralized into carbon dioxide and water vapor under the influence of an LED UV-A light source (4).

The main types of volatile organic compounds that are removed by our units include: